I swear, the differences in personalities of these two kids just amazes me daily. Hadley is such a little social butterfly and Cooper is so content playing with himself!! We got out this morning and ran to Toys'R'Us for a few things and even the checkout guy there pointed out that Hadley must be my social one & Cooper must be more laid0-back! Hadley has to say 'hi' and 'bye' to everything that moves and Cooper just lounges in the stroller and is along for the ride (most of the time!) Then we swang by the park on the way home. I had decided that if it was busy we weren't stopping since I didn't have someone else to help me chase C&H! But there was only one other family there, so I decided to just go for it! C&H did great & of course loved the park! Hadley was interested in the other kids and would go up to them & just start jabbering! In the 30 minutes we were there, it got rather busy and it was getting close to lunch/naptime so we decided to go.
Here she is checking out a little boy...
...and telling two little girls 'bye' as they left...
"Mom, look! Here comes a new friend to play with!!"
Little Stinkpot climbing to the top and scaring Mommy to death!
Look at that static electricity!!!
And Mr. Cooper could have cared less about who was there! He was in his own little world...playing in the mulch...
...and running to the other slides...
...and pretending to eat lunch...
...and sitting on the stools being his cute little self!!!
This picture cracks me up! He would sit on the bottom of the slide and get up and walk about 5 feet out, turn around and go sit back down...over & over again...clapping the whole time! Michael & I laugh all the time at little things he does like this! He likes to do things over & over again & I love these little quirks about him!
We had a great morning! I'm not sure what our afternoon entails, but I am sure it will be great with my two little rascals!!!