Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

To Cooper & Hadley:
Today is my first Mother's Day as a mother. I have dreamt of this day when I would have a baby of my own & now I have two. I am so blessed! In the past, I have not looked forward to this day because I so badly wanted to be a mother, but couldn't. It was so worth all those dreaded Mother's Days in the past for the joy I feel in my heart today to celebrate being your Mommy! I wouldn't change anything that we have been through to get here because it has made me a better Mother today. You two mean more to me & your Daddy than anything else in this world & you make my heart grow bigger everyday with each smile, coo, & new thing you learn! Thank you so much for making me a MOMMY on this Mother's Day!! 
I love you so much,
Your Mommy 

To my Mom:
Words cannot express how grateful I am to call you my mother. You have always been so caring, hardworking, patient, & loving and I appreciate all you have done to raise our family through the years. You have done a wonderful job! I pray daily that I can be as good of a mother to Cooper & Hadley as you have been to me! Thank you for all your help since the babies have been born...I cherish those times and look forward to many more! 
I love you...Happy Mother's Day,
Your daughter

To my Mother-in-Law:
Thank you for accepting me as part of your family! I am truly grateful to have married into such a loving family. Thank you for raising your son to be the man he is today! You have instilled so many good qualities in him & I am one lucky girl to have found him! Thank you for all your help with Cooper & Hadley...I truly appreciate it!
I love you...Happy Mother's Day,
Your daughter-in-law

And to all you girls out there dreaming of motherhood, I am praying for you today. I know how hard it is to see everyone celebrating being a mother & how badly it hurts you inside. I know how you try to put on a happy face in front of them, but are crying on the inside. Keep your heads held high...don't give too will someday be a mother and it will be all worth it!
God Bless you all!

Happy Mother's Day to all!!!


Jordan said...

Great post! Have a GREAT Mother's Day :)

Lori said...

Thank You so much for that very sweet post. I am so happy for you as you enjoy your first Mother's Day as a mother. I know when our time comes it will be worth the wait. Happy Mother's Day!

Little April said...

Happy 1st mothers day :)