Saturday, May 16, 2009

No swaddles....

I tried putting the babies to sleep last night with no swaddles! About a month ago, I tried putting them down with no swaddles & they screamed & screamed & screamed. So I prepared myself for them to do the same thing last night! And to my surprise, it was totally different! I laid Cooper down & he instantly was asleep. It took Hadley a little longer...she talked and fussed a little for about 30 minutes then was asleep. After about an hour, Cooper fussed a little, but went back to sleep pretty easily. We didn't hear a peep from them for the next 3 hours. Around 11:00, they both started to get restless.  I decided to go ahead and swaddle them at that point, so we would all get some much needed sleep! Baby steps, right?? I thought 4 hours unswaddled was pretty good! Look at our sweet sleeping babies!! They look so peaceful!! 

I didn't set my alarm this morning for church because I figured the babies would be up on plenty of time. The past two mornings Miss Hadley has been up around 5:30 am, but to my surprise, I woke up a little after 8:00 and both babies were still asleep. There was no way we were making it on time. I was so upset with myself that we didn't make it to church again! 


JasonI said...

When it was time for my babies to give up swaddling, I started by leaving one arm out of the swaddle for a night, then both arms for awhile. I think that the gradual process worked well for us. I swaddled my firstborn much longer than I swaddled my second. The second one rolled and crawled much earlier than the first one did and I always wondering if the swaddling played a part in that.

Elyse said...

They are so precious in their cribs soundly sleeping though!

Candi said... hubby was late for work last week because Carter usually wakes he never sets an alarm. Lesson learned!! WTG on the no swaddles, C & H!!

Jessica said...

Hey! I got them from an Etsy site.

I think she also has her own website listed on there if you do not want to go through Etsy. They are just stickers that you put on regular onesies, so you can do whatever color onesie you want!