Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Good News & Bad News
Lets start with the good news. My embryos are looking great! Today I have four grade 4, three grade 3, one grade 2.5, and one grade 2. I talked with my embryologist just before lunch & he said that only one (grade 2) has fragmentation & all the rest have none. Thats great! He said they are looking wonderful! I was also curious about the 5 immature eggs. Last cycle, 50% of my eggs had vascules (holes) in them. The embryologist said that none of the immature ones this cycle had vascules. That makes me feel better about the quality of my eggs!!
Okay, now on to the maybe not so great news. I could possibly be hyperstimulating. I am going in tomorrow for an ultrasound to make sure & hopefully they can do something before Friday. Monday my stomach was extremly distended & tender. My nurse & I played phone tag all day & I never talked with her. On Tuesday, I was feeling a little better. Tuesday night I became really uncomfortable. I couldn't sit down comfortably or lay on my stomach. They want me to come in in the morning because if I come in Friday & I am hyperstimulated they won't be able to do the transfer. They would have to freeze my embryos & do a FET (frozen embryo transfer) next month. Let's pray that this doesn't happen. Thank you all for the thoughts & prayers here lately!!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Good News...
They got a good report today. I hope I explain this correctly. The doctors rate the embryos like this: 1-4, 4 being the best. She has four grade 4 embryos and four grade 3 embryos. One has yet to divide. She will post more on this later. Keep praying!!!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Fishing with the Edwards girls
Here are a few of TG's first fish:
And Little Miss Sophie won the prize with the most fish & the biggest fish! She caught this catfish on a worm, but wouldn't get too close!!! I don't blame her!
Sissy loves you girls...we will have to have another fishing tournament soon!!
Embryo-Day 1
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Egg Retrieval 4-27-08
Friday, April 25, 2008
Stimulation Day 9
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Stimulation Day 7
I saw Dr. Prough for the first time this cycle. He was very pleased with the way I am reacting to the higher dosage of drugs this cycle. Both of my ovaries looked like a bunch of grapes...there were too many follicle to count!! My estrogen level was 1961 compared to 558 on Day 7 of cycle #1. He set a tenative date for my ER for next Tuesday April 29th. That means I will have 3 more days of shots (Thurs-Sat) and take my Trigger shot on Sunday, nothing on Monday, & ER on Tuesday. Embryo Transfer will either be on Friday (Day 3 for embryos) or Sunday (Day 5). However, this could all change...I will know more hopefully this Friday when I go back to Tulsa! Sorry for the short update...I have been extremely busy at work this afternoon!!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Stimulation Day 5
NOTE: I just looked back at Cycle #1 Day 5 & my estrogen level was 301. This cycle it is 1079!!! Wow...would you say I am responding a little better to the higher dosage of shots???
Thursday, April 17, 2008
What God meant when he gave me infertility
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Remembering Papa

Monday, April 14, 2008
My trips to North Little Rock & Tulsa
I also get to spend some time with my nephew, Drew, & my niece, Miss Annie Kate. Here are a few pics from this weekend!!
This morning Michael & I had to go to Tulsa for my 2nd baseline ultrasound & bloodwork. We got a little better news than last week. My estrogen level was back down in the range to start my shots. So on Thursday, it is back to THIS....
Please keep us in your prayers this next month. No matter how hard things might seem...I know that HE is always in control!!
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13
After my appointment this morning, Michael & I decided to eat breakfast in a little cafe in Uttica Square before heading back to Fort Smith. This is what was right outside the cafe! Is that not beautiful???
I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Pushed back at least another week!
I got a call today from my fertility clinic telling me that I had actually ovulated this month & that my estrogen level was too high to start my shots right now. That could be why I had a big follicle on my ovary, right?!?! I have to continue my BCP through Sunday the 13th & report back to Tulsa on the 14th. I am just so frustrated...why can't my body do what it is supposed to do???
I really hope I didn't confuse all of you because that was pretty difficult to explain!!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Baseline Appt & Prayer Request

Wednesday, April 2, 2008
TAG...Your It!!
Things on my to-do-list: Tomorrow morning before work, I must 'pick up' the house for my maid to come...does anyone else do that?? I have to pick up the drycleaning sometime tomorrow. Then I am having lunch with my friend Cindy, & then I once I get back to work I have a IT meeting. Once I get home, I am making Poppyseed Chicken for dinner & get ready to leave for Tulsa bright & early on Friday morning!!!
What I would do if I suddenly became a billionaire: Pay off some loans & my house & car payments, pay off any of my families debt, travel...I want to go to Europe, Alaska, & Australia, give more money to my church & lots of charities, set aside money for my future children's college funds, & never work again!!
My bad habits: biting my fingernails, hitting my snooze button 5 times every morning, eating too much & not excersing enough.
Five jobs I have had:
*Accounting Analyst at a Natural Gas Company
*Waitress at my roommates seafood restaurant, MELS, in El Dorado, AR
*Resident Assistant in my dorm at college
*Athletic Trainers Assistant in college
*Summer help at Webb Energy Resources
Things people might not know about me:
*I cannot stand to see lightening strike...I don't mind hearing thunder, but don't like lightening!!
*I love to garden & work in the yard
*I absolutely refuse to clean toilets (I hate cleaning period!)
*No one can surprise me...I always figure things out! I should have been a detective!!
*I have recently fell in love with Paula Deen... recipes are so simple & so delicious!!
I tag Mika Beth, Jessica, Hillary, Becca, & Jennifer!!