Monday, April 7, 2008

Pushed back at least another week!

I just hate Mondays!! Let me back up a few weeks & explain some things...I started my last period on March 10 & called the fertility clinic, just like I was instructed to, as soon as I started my March period. During IVF cycles, the Drs & nurses are on call 7 days a week due to the precise timing of egg retrieval (ER) & embryo transfer (ET). Therefore, there aren't IVF cycles every month... that is why we had to wait until April to start with cycle #2. They have certain dates set out to start BCP so that your ER & ET fall within their 'on-call' dates. When I called on March 10, I was told I was too early to start BCP & they could either have me wait a week or two to start BCP or not take BCP this month & start with my next cycle. My nurse talked with my Dr. & decided on the first option & for me to start taking my BCP on March 21st. I took my BCP through April 3rd & went in last Friday, April 4th for my baseline ultrasound & bloodwork. As you might have read in my last post, my ultrasound showed a big follicle on one of my ovaries, but didn't get my estrogen resulted due to a broken machine.

I got a call today from my fertility clinic telling me that I had actually ovulated this month & that my estrogen level was too high to start my shots right now. That could be why I had a big follicle on my ovary, right?!?! I have to continue my BCP through Sunday the 13th & report back to Tulsa on the 14th. I am just so frustrated...why can't my body do what it is supposed to do???

I really hope I didn't confuse all of you because that was pretty difficult to explain!!


Jen said...

I might just be one of the few who actually DID understand everything! :-) Sorry the timing is not going well...I guess it really just reminds us that we are not totally in control of the situation! I'm here if you need to talk!


Anonymous said...

Awww.... Mary Kate I am sorry! We will continue to pray, that is really all we can do at this point! Just know that I love you and think about you every single day! Keep your head up!

Anonymous said...

I just went through my first IVF treatment. Just found out the cycle failed yesterday. I am really disappointed. I too went to Tulsa. Hope I have better luck next time. Cathy