Sunday, April 27, 2008

Egg Retrieval 4-27-08

14 EGGS!!!!! I am so excited! Thank you for all your prayers this procedure went very well. Other than being stuck 4 times for the darn IV, it wasn't bad at all!! We won't know until in the morning how many eggs were mature & how many of those fertilized. Last cycle, they retrieved 8 eggs & only 4 were mature & of those 4, only 3 fertilized. Hopefully, we will have more than 3 fertilized embryos this time. They had actually told us to be there at 9:45 this morning & we had actually left a little early to get there by 9:30. At about 9:10, they called wondering where we were. My nurse had messed up & told me the wrong time to be there. Needless to say, as soon as I walked in the door, they whisked me back to get started. I felt so rushed, but that was probably a blessing from God so I wouldn't sit there & ponder what they were getting ready to do to me! Thanks again for you thoughts & prayers! I am back to bed...still feeling really groggy!!


Jen said...

14 eggs is GREAT! Can't wait to hear your fertilization reports! We'll be pulling for you all week!!! Are you going in to work at all this week?

Our Blessed Family said...

I am so excited! 14 is great!!! I am going to pray that they do good over night! We love you guys!!! Call me if you need anything!!!!

Anonymous said...

MK this is great! I am so excited for you guys! We will be praying for you this week!