Monday, April 14, 2008

My trips to North Little Rock & Tulsa

I had a wonderful weekend in North Little Rock visiting my grandmother, Pogee, & my brother & his family!! I love going to Pogee's house this time of the year because we always sit out on her screened in porch, visit with each other, & enjoy this:

I also get to spend some time with my nephew, Drew, & my niece, Miss Annie Kate. Here are a few pics from this weekend!!

This morning Michael & I had to go to Tulsa for my 2nd baseline ultrasound & bloodwork. We got a little better news than last week. My estrogen level was back down in the range to start my shots. So on Thursday, it is back to THIS....

Please keep us in your prayers this next month. No matter how hard things might seem...I know that HE is always in control!!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13

After my appointment this morning, Michael & I decided to eat breakfast in a little cafe in Uttica Square before heading back to Fort Smith. This is what was right outside the cafe! Is that not beautiful???

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!


Anonymous said...

I love your beautiful pictures! I am praying that this round is "the round"! I hope that everything goes well this time! I think about you daily! Call me if you need me!

The Campbells said...

Hey! Love the pics! So, I guess I'm still confused about how this works, but you start shots and stuff on Thurs, then how long till the egg retrieval? Isn't that what's next? LOL, i don't know anything bout this, but I'm so hoping that this is it for you!

Mary Kate said...

Yes, egg retrieval will be the next thing. That will be no later than March 1st (possible sooner depending on how I react to the shots). I know it is so confusing!! Thanks for all your prayers...hope all is going well with you & baby!! I can't wait to know the sex...i am thinking PINK!!!

Jen said...

Yay!!! I have been on pins and needles waiting to hear how went yesterday! Isn't it amazing how shots don't seem quite so dreadful anymore, either, when you know the possible outcome could be SO WONDERFUL?? (Or at least I'm assuming they're not so dreadful for you anymore...) Can't wait to hear about your reports. I'm guessing you'll be going back next Monday? Have a very "stimulating" week...ha ha! (Okay, maybe NOT so funny!) :-)

Amy Gibson said...

Mary Kate,

I found your blog a few weeks back (through Laura's) and have been reading about what's going on and praying for you.

I remember Pogee and Papa from when we were younger! It's great to get to read about how your family is doing. And I am so envious of Pogee's backyard! That's my goal for my own house.

I love this verse and think it applies to most everything that goes on in my life, so I hope it also encourages you:

Jer 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you a hope and a future.

Take care -