Friday, November 7, 2008

29w4d appointment

I had a dr's appt & ultrasound yesterday to see how things are going. The babies are doing great & growing so big! Cooper weighs approximately 3 lbs 7 ozs & Hadley is about 3 lbs 3 ozs. We weren't expecting them to be so big, but that was wonderful news! Wow...that is almost 7 lbs of baby in there already!! There is about a 7% difference in their size which the dr. said was great...the nurse said they get worried when the % difference is about 25%. The fluid around each baby looked great & my cervix is still very long. Both babies are head down...that explains all the kicks in my ribs lately! Can you imagine four little feet moving around all the time??? Like last time, we got some great pictures of Cooper, but Hadley didn't want to show us her face again. She was facing inwards towards Cooper (snuggling with him as the ultrasound tech said) & either his foot or the membrane in between them was in her face pretty much the entire time! I will say that Cooper looks just like his Daddy...the nose & the lips are so Michael! Who knows what Miss Hadley will come out looking like!! I can't wait to see! Here are a few ultrasound pics!!
Cooper's profile Cooper again with the placenta in front of him

And the only pic of Hadley we got. It is kind of hard to make out! She is facing the bottom left corner with a shadow on her forehead. It looks like she is going to have chubby cheeks!

As for me, I am measuring full term right now. Dr. Laws recommended I start my maternity leave immediately. He said with the swelling starting, my back hurting so bad, & with me being so big, I need to quit work & concentrate on taking care of these babies! My blood pressure was great, but I did have a little sugar in my urine. The nurse said that since I just passed my glucose test last month, they would keep a close eye on it to make sure it doesn't become a problem. I am looking forward to taking it easy & getting caught up on my rest before these babies get here! All in all a great report from the doctor!!


Mrs. Pierce said...

sounds great! they will be the cutest little babies around when they get here. i'm glad you've such a wonderful pregnancy, and i'm sure you'll be a great momma. you've worked hard to be where you are!

Jenna said...

So glad that your appt went well! I can't imagine having FOUR feet kicking me in the ribs! Two is enough to knock the wind out of me!

Heather said...

Yay! Both head down! Maybe you can escape without a c/section. Glad things are good. Enjoy your time off.

Lianna Knight said...

GREAT news :) and EXCITING!!! I agree with your doctor...quit that job and spoil those babies ROTTEN :)

Robyn Beele said...

I am glad to hear they are doing so well. The first picture is so adorable!!

Jill said...

Yay for maternity leave!!

I always love seeing pics of the babes...such miracles.

Get some orders! :)


Twice as Nice said...

Two Blessings! We're having a give away and would love for you to be a part of it :o) said...

Love the sono pics :)

Elaine said...

Hi! Just came across your blog. Congrats on your TWINS!!!

I am recovering from laproscopic surgery I had Thursday. (Endometriosis) My doctor has told us now we have a really good chance to concieve once I heal.

We've been TTC for 15 months (I can't imagine 4 years!) We've had 3failed IUIs.

It is always such an encouragement to come across blogs like yours.

Congrats again!! I'll be coming back here often I am sure!

Heather said...

Hi Mary Kate! So happy to hear that you will be taking it easy now. Not that growing two babies inside of you is "taking it easy"!

Anyway, yes, those are Playtex drop-ins that we use for our twins. We really like them. I also used them for our first daughter as she had trouble with gas and the Avent bottles. I also have heard that Dr. Brown's bottles are fantastic if your little ones have gas issues, but supposedly the cleaning of them is a pain. And with all of the bottles you need for two babies, I opted for the easier clean-up.

Hope you are doing well!

Heather said...

Hi Mary Kate! Yes, you can use the 4 oz liners w/ the 8 oz bottles. We did this sometimes with our first daughter. You just need something to help you get the air out of the liners as it is hard when the small liner is in the big bottle. We always used an ice cream scooper to help push the air out. Hopefully that makes sense!
