Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving in the hospital

Well, it looks like we'll be spending the Thanksgiving holiday in the hospital. It all started Monday with a little bit of bleeding...I called the Doc and he said if I continued to bleed to come to L&D. I had no more bleeding until Tuesday afternoon, after which we made a trip to L&D. I was examined and dilated to a one and sent home on bed rest...or at least that's what we thought. When I got up from the table, I was in a pool of blood and the doc decided to keep me over night for evaluation. Antibiotics and fluid was started and I had some slight contractions until bedtime. Around midnight on Wednesday morning, I started having serious contractions and was checked again and was dilated to three. At that point I was given a shot to stop contractions and a first of two steroid shots to quickly develop the babies lungs. Since then I have experienced only minor contractions but will have to stay in L&D until Friday or Saturday if things continue to go as they are now. I have been started on Magnesium Sulfate and will receive the second round of steroid shots tonight. Docs assure use that the babies are not in any stress but had a ultra-sound just to make sure everything was ok. Cooper is now weighing 4lb 10oz and Hadley weighs 4lbs. Everything looked great with babies. We are so thankful to have made it this far without complications and doc thinks we can safely make it a couple more weeks. Your thoughts and prayers would be greatly appreciated this Thanksgiving holiday!! I hope everyone has a wonderful Turkey Day tomorrow!


Becca said...

I'm so glad you updated. I read MB's post, and I was nervous for you. That must have been a scary time, but I am thankful everything is OK with all 3 of you. Happy Thanksgiving to your family of four!

The Couch Family said...


Orianna Black said...

I have been following your blog as I was reading Jessican Meinardus 's blog a while ago ...anyway I have never had twins but I had preterm labor with my first little girl who wanted to come at week 23...i had the steroid shots and I can't remember the other drug to stop labor and I made it til week 39! On Strict bedrest but we made it with daily help and prayers from our church and family! I just thought i would drop you a note to encourage you and to let you know we are paryaing for you even though we don't know you ;-)We can't wait to see you your little bundle of love!
Clelia Black

Verna said...

Will be praying for you that even tho you have to stay in bed and be in the hospital for Thanksgiving that their lungs will be able to develop correctly. God is able, and will be with you.

Unknown said...

I've been following your blog for a while now, but this is my first time commenting! I'll be praying for you and your hubby, but also those precious babies!

Jenna said...

You all are in my prayers! I'm sure everything will be just fine!

Jenna said...

I'll be praying for you and your babies. I know exactly how you feel right now. I did the whole magnesium thing twice toward the end of my pregnancy. NOT FUN!! Hang in there!

Our Blessed Family said...

You know if you need ANYTHING, you just call me! Hey, even if you have to be on bed rest at home we can still have lunch! I'll just have to bring it to you ;) I have called several people from the church to pray for you!

Rathi said...

Praying for you and your sweet babies!!

the alder boys said...

Oh this is brings back memories. Everything is so similar to what we went through. I made it ten more weeks after the first incident. You can do it!!! My boys actually turn 1 this Saturday! I know you hate being in the hospital but at least you and your kids are being well taken care of. You are in my prayers!

Will,Laurie,Brock said...

Hang in there Mary guys are in our prayers!

Will,Laurie,Brock said...

Hang in there Mary guys are in our prayers!

Our Blessed Family said...

Ok I had to leave another comment because Jade wanted to come to the computer and look at your pictures! She loves looking at them and talking about your babies! Just now when she saw your 32 week pictures she said "Oh mommy I'm so excited, it looks like Mary Kate is about to have her babies!" Of course she has no idea what is going on but she is excited to see Cooper & Hadley!

Jordan said...

I am praying for you, Michael, and the babies. I hope everything slows down and Cooper and Hadley can stay in there a few more weeks. :) Happy Thanksgiving! I'm sure someone will bring y'all some turkey and dressing in the hospital! (not sure how good theirs will be) or if you're like me, all you'll care about is the pie!

Jordan Miller

Amy and Jerry said...

Our prayers are with all four of you! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Amy and Jerry said...

Our prayers are with all four of you! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Annie said...

Everything will be fine. God is with you.

Unknown said...

Praying for you and the babies!! Please keep us posted!

Jill said...

Bless your heart...I hate that your Turkey Day will be spent in a hospital room. Happy to hear the babes are doing well though.

Hang in there, little're almost there. :)

Happy Thanksgiving!


Heather said...

I'll be thinking of you a lot today, sweet girl! Hang in there!