Thursday, April 16, 2009

4 Month Dr. Visit

We just returned from our 4 month doctors appointment...all is well! Dr. Fred was pleased with their growth & even commented on how huge they were!! We have tried giving the babies cereal twice this past week and I was kind of worried because neither baby is interested AT ALL. He said not to worry at all & not to push them. He said we will know when they are ready for it & since they are so big...they are obviously getting enough nutrients with just formula. Here are their 4 month stats:

Cooper Thomas:
weight - 15.5 lbs - 90%
height - 25 1/4 in - 90%
head - 16 1/2 in 70%

Hadley Owen:
weight - 14.1 lbs - 95%
height - 25 1/4 in - 95%
head - 16 in - 70%

And you know I can't post without a picture!! This was from Cooper's attempt at cereal last night! 


Erin said...

Hi! I've been following your blog for awhile. Your kids are so cute! My son hated the cereal that you mix with formula but loved the jar cereal. Good luck!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, that is soooo cute! I know that when we first tried a friends baby on cereal, she was around 4 months and she didn't want anything to do with it either. (long story but she was a YOUNG single mom & in the national guard so we had her daughter 90% of the time). Anyway, once she got a bit older, 6m, we tried again and she loved it. Her dr said it was something about them being used to formula (or in her case, breast milk) and wasn't really ready for a different texture in her mouth. So we waited and tried again and at 6m she was ALL FOR IT, lol.

I am sure they will be, too.

Cute pic, love it!

Football and Fairytales said...


Anonymous said...

He looks happy. He may have liked it a little ;) Don't fret about the cereal. It took my kids a while too and with solids. They kept wanting to lay down and have me feed them. Have a great weekend!

Patti said...

Our Dr. said that any solid foods before 6 months are considered "recreational" and just to have fun with it! That is so great that they are so big and healthy!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, they are so adorable ! Sam weighs 15.5 and Walker weighs 14.12 at 7 months and they arent even on the charts yet. Dr. said everything else they were right on target...just small. I can't wait to meet your angels. I think it is suppose to rain. I dont even know if this thing is inside or outside!'Polly

Will,Laurie,Brock said...

4 months already???? Goes so fast!

The Campbells said...

we didn't start solids till 6 months and i started with just rice. she loved it but i think that was b/c we had been putting rice in her bottle to thicken it due to her reflux so she already knew the taste of rice.

don't worry bout it if they don't like it... they won't like anything the first time. it took a few tries to get her to like green beans and now any and all veggies are her favorite! they will wear more than they ingest! but it's fun to see their reactions to new foods!