Monday, April 13, 2009

Fist sucker

Not a thumb sucker, but a fist sucker! I kept hearing this noise over the baby monitor & went to check on the babies & found Cooper eating his fist!! I had to run geAdd Imaget my camera....and he gets mad when I try to take that fist out of his mouth to put his paci back in!!

Also, a Susan commented on getting the pattern for the booties that my Mom knitted for the twins. You didn't have a Blogger Profile, so I can't contact you...if you will email me your address at, my Mom said she would sent you the pattern. 


Lisa said...

That is so cute. He is really into that fist!!

Anonymous said...

This is exactly the age my twin sons discovered their hands and said bye bye to their pacis. They would never take a paci again. They are now 7 months old. One sucks his thumb and the other his whole fist! Your babies are so adorable and I enjoy seeing your blog when I have time!
Polly Cloninger
( we are going to the N.I.C.U. party later this month so if you come I will have to introduce myself)

Unknown said...

Now that is cute! I love listening to the little baby sounds. So precious.

the alder boys said...

OMG! That is too funny! I laughed out loud and then had to watch it again! I thought he was going to eat it!! Too cute!

CJ said...

My boys suck their fists too!

Stacia said...

that is so cute! Precious babies!

Sue said...

Hi there. I'm sorry I didn't put my email in the first comment. I emailed you yesterday but wasn't sure if you got it. My email is Thanks again for the cute bootie pattern.