Monday, June 15, 2009

Protecting Your Blog

Recently, on the 'Multiples & More' Blog they posted about protecting your blog & your children. I started this entry a while back, but never finished it. I really wanted to start watermarking my pictures & realized that I had never posted this. I know most of my readers don't have multiples & probably don't read the Multiples blog, so I wanted to pass this helpful info along to all of you! Here is their post (I changed the pic to my own):

Protecting Your Blog

While our blogs are certainly a great way to stay connected with family and friends, there is definitely an ugly side to freely sharing our photos and information on the internet. More and more we are learning of individuals who are stealing photos and posts from others' blogs and passing them off as their own, and this is only the beginning of what can be done when the wrong person gets a hold of your information. It's a scary thought, isn't it? Our intent today is not to scare anyone away from blogging, but to provide some ways that we can all continue to do so with a little more peace of mind. There are several things that you can do to help keep your information safe:

  • Watermark your images using photoediting software. If you don't have PhotoShop or PrintShop, you can use Picnik, a free program online to add a personal label to each photo which marks it as your own, either with your name or website, or other trademark.
  • Monitor your blog with Copyscape, a free service which allows you to find out if your content is being copied anywhere else on the internet. You can add a Copyscape button to your blog which links to the site, and lets potential copycats know that you are actively monitoring your blog.
Page copy protected against web site content infringement by Copyscape

  • Copyright your blog with a free service such as This site also gives you a banner to place on your blog to let people know that you are taking steps to protect your content. Registered & Protected

  • Disable the right-click function on your blog to deter would-be imposters from taking your photos. The following link will point you to directions on how to disable the right-click function on you blog:

  • Consider carefully what details you include on your blog. Write about your outings AFTER they are done, so as not to announce to the world when you and your children will be out, leaving your home vacant. It is fairly easy to obtain an address on the internet. Don't announce exact times and places where you will be going with your kids, especially if you'll be the only adult!

  • Be cautious of people who contact you through your blog, and what information you give to them. While 99.9% are other moms/dads just like you and have the best of intentions, it is wise to be guard your personal information until you know for sure that you truly know someone.
Thank you 'Multiples & More' for this helpful really got me thinking!!


Anna said...

Thank you so much for posting this!! I never even thought about it. Can I copy this information and put it on my blog as well so my readers will know? Thanks :o) By the way, you babies are sooooooo cute!!!!

Laura Ann said...

Thank you so much for all of this information. I don't know why, but I have been a bit nervous about blogging recently. I am going to use all of these idea. THanks for sharing.

Joy@WDDCH said...

Bravo! Thank you so much for this. I already had the right-click thing disabled but SOME people could still right-click and get information off my blog. So frustrating! I'll try Hyper Gurl and watermarking my photos.

Emily said...

Such great advice -- thanks for sharing!

Shannon said...

Thank you so much for this advice! I've been an avid reader of your blog, but I think this is the first time I have commented. I'm glad you posted these tips so we all don't have to make our blogs private.

The Campbells said...

this is the exact reason why my blog is private.

Jenna said...

Thanks for sharing! Great info!

Laura said...

Hey there, I don't post much cause well I don't really know you guys just through Mika Beths Photography. I want to thank you for posting that post as it really is an eye opener. I had been contemplating watermarking images on my blog cause it only takes one person to take it and claim it as there own. Ive gone through this alot with websites I run and people thinking they can just take whatever they want and claim they took the photo or whatever. Its very scary and also you should not have to tag across faces either just because some morons will actually go the extra step to remove a tag to.

I really hope your pictures aren't being stolen, but glad to see your watermarking.

Patti said...

Totally loved this post and did most of the steps that you described! Thank you!