Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Happy 1/2 Year!!

Please tell me why time has to fly by so fast! I cannot believe that C&H are 6 months old already! It seems like yesterday that we were at the doctors office & I started having contractions. I get chills thinking about the overwhelming feeling when the nurse told me we were going to have these babies tonight! We weren't ready...I still had 5 1/2 weeks till I was due!! I was scared to death not knowing what to expect! It turned out to be the most amazing & memorable day of my life! Everyone always told me to enjoy your babies while they are small because they grow up so fast...I know exactly what they meant now! It seems like C&H are growing up before my eyes and the past 6 months have absolutely flown! I hate to see them grow up, but as they get older...each stage they go through becomes more fun than the one before! Here are a few things they are doing at 6 months:

*has 1 tooth (lower left)
*eats 4-7 or 8 oz bottles everyday
*eats a vegetable and oatmeal cereal every night
*wears size 3 diapers
*loves to snuggle
*loves to 'talk'
*can roll over, but doesn't do it consistently
*can sit for a very short time

*has no teeth, but showing signs
*eats 4-7 or 8 oz bottles everyday
*eats a vegetable and oatmeal cereal every night
*wears size 3 diapers
*hates to snuggle...constantly moving
*rolling everywhere
*can sit for a very short time

Last week, Hadley woke up with her eye matted shut. I called the doctor & got some eye drops & it is not back to normal, but is getting better. Today before naptime, I noticed Cooper's eye was starting to mat. So I put some of Hadley's drops in his eye. When he woke up from his nap, his eye was swollen almost shut! I was in a panic thinking he might be having an allergic reaction to the medicine. I called the doctor immediately & they asked me to come right in. This picture doesn't even show how swollen it was, but you get the idea. The dr. didn't think it was a reaction...he just thought it was the progression of an eye infection. He prescribed us a different medicine just in case that was what it was. It seems to be a little better...still a little swollen & red! Hopefully, tomorrow it will be better!
We tried getting our froggy pictures today, but both babies were not happy about it! Here is what I got!!!

We did go outside tonight & I snapped a few 6 month pictures!

Cooper & Hadley,
I cannot believe you are 6 months old! You both are getting so big & learning to do so many things! You both bring so much joy to my life each & every day!! I am having so much fun being your Mommy! I love you both from the bottom of my heart!!
❤, Mommy 


Bamawhitney said...

Even as a just a reader I can't believe it has been 6 months already! Those froggy pictures are still cute!

BEBE said...


Samantha said...

6 months...and I still haven't met them yet! Eric and I have been talkin' BBQ. We need to compare calendars and set something up here at the new house! Beautiful babies!

The Campbells said...

happy 6 months!! you'll be planning their first bday party before you know it!!

Oh that's so funny you say that Hadley hates to snuggle because E has never liked to be held and has been going since birth! I wonder if it's a girl thing!!

Jenna said...

They are so sweet! I would be scared about the eye thing too!

Katie said...

MK, i can't believe how fast the time goes, either! i love love love seeing your adorable babies grow, and how your love blossoms for them exponentially each day. you are such a great momma, and this blog is a wonderful way to show how much those babies mean to you! thanks so much for keeping us in the loop. xoxo, katie

Erin said...

Look at that little half smile on Coopers face!! Oh How Much I love that little smirk!