Monday, June 15, 2009

No swaddles....(ALL night this time)

I know about a month ago, I posted about the babies sleeping with no swaddles. It became a 3-4 hour fight every night to get them to sleep. I always had heard that it's ok to swaddle until the baby can roll over while swaddled. So I decided they just weren't ready, so I basically gave in & have been swaddling all but one arm since my last post. Well, this weekend while we were at the lake, Hadley rolled over in her swaddle & it scared me. So I decided once we got more matter how long of a fight to get them to sleep. I put their sleep sacks on after their bath last night & laid them in their boppys while I cleaned up from bathtime. I came back to find this...
This is a first for Hadley...she has fallen asleep during our late night feedings, but she is always put to bed awake. She must have been worn out from our fun weekend! How adorable is this??

C&H slept all night without swaddles! I hope we can continue sleeping good without them!! This was this morning after they woke up....I always put them in each others crib to tell them good morning! I ❤ mornings with my babies!!!

1 comment:

Jill said...

So cute. :) They are getting so big. Love the pics!