Friday, June 5, 2009

Our new swimming pool and....

You can't really see it in this picture, but it's really there!!! I am so excited! It is his bottom left tooth that is coming in first. I can't really feel it, but it is red & I can barely see a tooth peaking through!! Way to go Coop-man!!
I recently bought this little pool for the babies & decided to try it out this afternoon after naptime! They loved it! I filled it up late morning so that the water wouldn't be so actually felt like bath water by the time we got in it! Cooper wasn't a big fan of the bumbo seat, but loved it when I laid him down in the water! That is actually when I noticed his little toofer coming in...hehe!! Hadley loved it all!! This will definately be a fun thing to do all summer!!! I just wish we had a real pool in our backyard...hint, hint! {grin}


Lea Liz said...

aww how cute!!
That is such a good idea to sit them int he pool in the bumbo seat, I just may have to get a little pool and do that with Brody!
They are adorable!!

Anonymous said...

Yea Cooper! Isn't it amazing how you can feel so proud of him for something he had absolutely no control over?! That pool looks so neat, what kind is it?

Sarah said...

We have the same pool! Such a great idea to have shade for the babies! They are so sweet! :)

Marlene said...

that is such a good idea! I can't wait to do that with my lil boy when he gets here! they're so beautiful and I can't believe they're 6 months already!
BTW, I'm a lurker but had to comment when I seen that they've hit the 6 month mark! Praise the LORD!