Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Rough day...BD party...swimming....& sweaty feet!

Yesterday was a rough day for Miss Hadley. She is having a more difficult time with this teething stuff than her brother! Cooper was a little fussy & had a little diarrhea but otherwise I would have never known he was teething! Hadley had a low-grade fever all day long, a very runny nose, & was extremely cranky yesterday. She wanted to be held all day long (which Mommy wasn't complaining)! I wasn't sure if a runny nose was a symptom of teething, but my Facebook friends assured me that it was! I was praying last night that this was teething & that she wasn't getting sick! She was a different baby today...she had no fever overnight or all day today. She still has a runny nose, but she was in a much better mood!! Still no signs of any teeth though! I'll be sure & let you know when she gets one!! :)

My parents had everyone over for a birthday dinner for Michael last night. We had such a good time and the food was delicious!! Here are a few pics...thanks again Mom & Dad!!

C&H wouldn't take a nap this afternoon & were quite fussy. I decided fill up the pool again...they had so much fun!! I decided to forget the swim diapers...they are too big for them anyway  & wouldn't have done much good! I ♥ me some naked babies!!!

And one more thing...poor Hadley got her Daddy's sweaty hands/feet trait! This is what I found when I took off her Trumpet socks today! :o  Lovely, huh???


Bamawhitney said...

those are great pictures and love those sweaty little fuzzy feet! My daughter was / is the same way!

Mrs. Jenk said...

love reading your blog- my IVF blessing was born a few weeks after yours. Trumpette socks are the best, but we get the black fuzz all the time. I thought we might not be bathing her enough :) How do you make a heart sign in blogger?

Jill said...

My nephew inherited his sweaty feet/hands from my brother. LOL The pool pics are so sweet and Coop's pics w/the stars made me laugh out loud. HA!

Mary Kate said...

I have a MAC...to do the ♥, you hit option-command-T...not sure if you have a regular PC...you might could google it!!

Jamie said...

I feel your pain with the teething. James was a champ...he has 8 teeth and was never a problem. Maggie on the other hand is a different story. Slight Fever, Runny Nose, Fussy and it still takes a few days for the teeth to come in. Maybe it is a girl thing...Good Luck!
The babes are so beautiful...love the B/W photos!

Bobbie said...

I've commented once or twice before and I hope you don't mind I love to read your blog :) My littlest was born in January and a little behind your babies.. but I had to comment on Hadley's feet.. I also have that problem with my little girl and her trumpet socks..lol.. She's got the same sweaty feet thing as her daddy too :) My daughter is also teething and doing the temp and runny nose thing.. She's been my worse out of all 4 of my kids with the teething. I found Hurricane gel at the pharmacy (nurse recommended it to me after I had my 1st child) and I rub that on her gums.. it helps her mood a bit..

Erin said...

ok the pictures I love! The black and white really bring out there eye lashes!

My husband also has sweaty hands and feet! HATE IT!!! I was hoping my daughter wouldnt get that trait and I think so far so good :)