Recently, Michael has been questioning me about going to Target 2-3 times a week & wondering what I could be buying. Well, lets see...diapers, wipes, formula, baby food, etc...but most of the time it is because we are out of baby food. He asked why I didn't just buy enough food for a month. Everytime I am in there, the babies are with me & what I can buy is very limited because either the shopping cart is full of carseats (see here) or I have the stroller & there is only so much room on it! So I buy enough for a week or so. Tonight after the babies went to bed, I decided to run to Target & get a months worth of food. As I filled my shopping cart, I was amazed at the amount of food that C&H would eat in a month period. I guess buying a little here & a little there I didn't realize how much food we needed. This doesn't include all their vegetables for a month (I still have a bunch in the pantry!) This is fruits on the left, meats on the bottom right, & veges on the top right. I promised the cashier I didn't have a dozen kids at home...she just kind of smiled at me...I think she thought I was crazy!!! Now I am off to clean out my pantry to find room for all of this!!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Almost crawling...
Well, I am trying to enjoy the days while I have two immobile babies because those days are almost over! Miss Hadley has been getting up on all fours for a couple of days now, & last night she was kind of pulling herself on her belly, & today she is really makes me excited & sad all at the same time! It is so exciting to see C&H learn & discover new things, but my babies are growing up!!! See for yourself...I give her a couple of days & she will be a full-blown crawler!!!
New Seats & New Food
We recently were invited to dinner at our friends house for dinner. Jennifer
and her family were there too. Jen brought in her daughter's portable high chair in & mentioned that when they go out to eat they take that in instead of using highchairs. I thought that was just a genius idea because I recently have diagnosed myself with public-highchair-phobia. I never realized I had it until C&H have become old enough to actually use them, but I can't seem to let them. I just cringe at the thought of all the germs on them. Anyways, I bought these new seats yesterday and decided to try them out for breakfast this morning. They seemed to liked sitting up on the table...Hadley was so curious where she was, & Cooper was more interested in his sister! We also tried avocado this morning. Both babies immediately gagged the second the spoon entered their mouth, so I decided to add some pear/pineapple to it. I wouldn't say they loved it but they ate it up. I actually tried it & it was yummy...I love me some guacamole & it tasted like sweet guacamole! We will definitely try it again soon!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sleepy Boy & the Lotion bottle
I just wanted to share these two pictures with you from today. C&H and I ran a few errands today & both of them fell asleep in the car on the way home. Normally, I would have brought them in the house in their infant carriers and would have just let them sleep, but I can't do that with Cooper anymore since he has his big boy seat now. When I got him out of his seat, he I laid him down in the nursery floor so that I could go back to get Hadley out of the car. We came back to find this. Hadley woke up also so I went ahead & fed her, and changed her & got her ready for nap...all the while sweet little Cooper napped so peacefully on the floor.
Hadley has a secret admiration for the lotion bottle. I am not sure what it is about it, but she will do anything & everything to get that bottle everytime I pull it out. I usually just let her play with it while I am dressing them, & put it up when we are through which in turn leads to a little hissy fit! Today I just let her play with it...she was in heaven! She shook it, chewed on it, & loved on it...she was one happy & cute little girl!!!
To my True Love...Happy 7th Anniversary!!
Happy Anniversary...I am more in love with you today than the day we married! I have been so blessed to have found you & to have become your wife. Thank you for taking my hand that special day 7 years ago & saying those vows with me! That day will be eternally etched in my heart! I love you with all my heart & I look forward to see what our future holds!!! I am forever grateful that you are mine!!! xoxox, Mary Kate
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Gazpacho Salad Recipe
I got this recipe from Britt over at '4 Little Men & Girly Twins' last week during the BlogHop recipe swap...several of you asked for the is the link....try it's DELICIOUS!! Thanks Britt!!!
I think we could have made it in the 'Good Ole Days'!!
Catfish...fresh out of the pond, gazpacho salad...fresh from the garden...what more do we need?? Michael & my Daddy went fishing yesterday afternoon & caught enough catfish for a fish fry last night! It was so yummy! I also made a gazpacho salad recipe with our homegrown tomatoes & was yummy too! Doesn't it look delicious?? Ok, we did have frozen french fries, & hushpuppies & homemade ice cream, but a majority of our meal was out of our yard!!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
My Beautiful Nieces!!!
I just had to share with you this picture my sister just sent me...these are my gorgeous nieces, Addison-12, Turner Grace-10, and Sophie-7. As I type they are driving home from the beach & I have missed them so much this week!! The babies & I can't wait to see them tomorrow!!!

Friday, July 24, 2009
Silly girl & Ticklish boy!!
Hadley was cracking me up yesterday...she would mimick me whenever I would yell! She is developing such a little personality & I love it!! This was taken yesterday morning when we were outside enjoying the nice weather & the hummingbirds!!! She is such a silly girl!
Cooper just lights up when his Daddy gets home...& he loves to be tickled by Daddy!! He is SOOOO ticklish & I love that laugh!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I wish you guys could come to my house, sit on my back porch & watch the hummingbirds swarm you! They are amazing! These pictures & video don't do it justice...but we have really been enjoying sitting out there & watching them. They are really loud birds when they fight for their food & C&H love to watch them eat & fly overhead!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
A Good Day!!!
We had such a good day today...nothing too exciting...we ran a few errands,
had lunch with Daddy & Nana, took two good naps & were happy babies
all day long! It's amazing what a difference a good nap makes in a baby.
My Happy Babies!!
Mommy must be SO FUNNY!!!
100% BOY
One of Hadley's precious new outfits!!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Cooper's BIG BOY seat!!!
While we were in Tulsa, we finally decided on which convertible carseats we were going to purchase for C&H. They had MaxiCosi infant seats which we absolutely LOVED, so we were considering their MaxiCosi Priori or the Britax Roundabout or Britax Marathon. We have been going back & forth for a couple of weeks now. We went to our favorite boutique in Tulsa, Dingbats, (where we purchased our DuoWalker Stroller & our infant seats last year) to look at the Priori in person. We fell in love with them! We got Cooper's while we were there, but Hadley's won't be in until the end of the month. That's wasn't a big deal because she has a couple of pounds until she hits the weight limit while we needed Cooper's NOW! Look at our BIG BOY in his big boy seat! His blue eyes look even blue-er {grin} in his new blue seat!!! Oh how I love this sweet boy!!
Fun Getaway & Church Nursery!
I wanted to thank my Mom & Dad for giving Michael & I a night away. This past Friday night, we left for Tulsa as soon as Michael got home for work. We had dinner reservations that night at the Melting Pot and then we slept in Saturday was heaven! Once we got up, we went & did a little shopping and ate lunch at PF Changs before heading back to FS. We had such a fun time...great food, great sleep, & great shopping with my hubby!! We got some really cute clothes for C&H & got them new car seats (post to come)....I was telling Michael on the way home that it's kind of funny once you have kids, you never shop for yourself anymore! Or at least I don't!!! I didn't look for one thing for myself....all for the babies (like they don't have any clothes at all!!!) Thanks Nana & Daddo for a much needed break...I feel so refreshed & ready to go!!!
We got up this morning & went to church. The babies went to the nursery for the first time this morning. I decided to stay in there with them instead of going to the church service. They did great...Cooper actually took a good little nap & Hadley played the whole time! I snapped a few pictures while we were there! It wore me out....6 kiddos under 2 with two workers...& my two were the only immobile ones! I hope everyone had a great weekend!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
My Blog Makeover!!!
Well, whatcha think about our new look?? I love it!
Many thanks to Jennifer over at
Girl, you are awesome & great to work with! Thanks for working your magic!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Who looks more like Mommy..Cooper or Hadley??
My college roommate asked me to post some comparison pictures
to see who the babies look more like. I have very few of Michael as
a baby but will try to get some soon. Here are some of me as a baby...
what do yo think??
Sorry for the poor quality of my baby pictures...I have no scanner at home...
so these are a picture of a picture!!
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