Wednesday, July 29, 2009

New Seats & New Food

We recently were invited to dinner at our friends house for dinner. Jennifer
and her family were there too. Jen brought in her daughter's portable high chair in & mentioned that when they go out to eat they take that in instead of using highchairs. I thought that was just a genius idea because I recently have diagnosed  myself with public-highchair-phobia. I never realized I had it until C&H have become old enough to actually use them, but I can't seem to let them. I just cringe at the thought of all the germs on them. Anyways, I bought these new seats yesterday and decided to try them out for breakfast this morning. They seemed to liked sitting up on the table...Hadley was so curious where she was, & Cooper was more interested in his sister! We also tried avocado this morning. Both babies immediately gagged the second the spoon entered their mouth, so I decided to add some pear/pineapple to it. I wouldn't say they loved it but they ate it up. I actually tried it & it was yummy...I love me some guacamole & it tasted like sweet guacamole! We will definitely try it again soon!








Jill said...

I've been looking at different ones to register for because I too, think the ones in restaurants are nasty.

Cute pics!

Bamawhitney said...

great pictures! I was the same way with those public high chairs - YUCKY!

Harris Boys said...

we have chairs very similar to yours. my boys are 2.5 and we still use them. they are portable and easy to clean. Cute kiddos!

Anonymous said...

I think they would be safer on a chair.

Robin Bair said...

that's funny......i'm with ya....LT have the same seats...we use them when we go to someone else's house for dinner and the thought crossed my mind of taking them to restaurants. They are tipping them back now they need strapped to a chair tightly.

alison B. said...

public high chair phobia or not, i am chuckling at the thought of you hauling 2 babies and 2 highchairs and a diaper bag for 2 into a restaurant to eat. its funny what things you let go of over time - a few germs are one of them. can't wait to try the avocado/fruit puree for my own little one - great idea.

Sarah said...

Aren't those seats wonderful? I got one from an aunt as a shower gift and we take it EVERYWHERE with us! I hate the high chairs too, even though I have one of those covers to put on them. I also love it b/c you can put the food they can pick up right on the trays!! They are getting so big - I can't believe how fast they are growing!

Anonymous said...

They may be nasty but unless your child is naked and eating the high chair then I think they are safe. My children both used high chairs at restaurants and they are both fine and healthy. Actually they are hardly ever sick because they have been around germs. If you keep your children in a bubble then they have no chance to build up their immune system and once they get to school will be constantly sick.

The Cochran Crew said...

I loved my seat like that with Hannah Noelle! I'm lucky to get in a restaurant with all the kids now, let alone worry about seats so I bough stock in Germ-X wipes! U will use those seats more than you think, they're even good for the back of Wal-Mart shopping carts! Mine also LOVE Avocado! We love going to the Mexican Rest and ording it for them!

kristen said...

ewww... i hate public high chairs too. can't imagine the germs on those things. we have the phil & ted's me too chair... amazing! it folds up flat! i love it for travel!

Michael, Kelly, Kai and Kale Hobbs said...

Mary Kate,
I truly enjoy reading your blog daily! Our babies are only a week apart:) I'm with you on the nasty germs in high chairs. I have a grocery cart cover that I used with my oldest son. It covers it completely so he wouldn't touch anthing on the cart. It also fits nicely over those wooden high chairs. I'm using it for Kale now. I just bought the plastic table mats that stick to the service so they can munch on anything on that without touching the table and then they can be thrown away! No germs for me please!

Keep up the great blogging! I love watching these two grow! My favorite has been H asleep on the floor...precious!

Anonymous said...

LOL I thought I was the only one who had that phobia! It grosses me out to think I was putting my baby in a place where so many germs were. Grocery store carts really grossed me out. I always took my own high chair to even church fellowship dinners.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a must to have a portable highchair for my girls. But have you ever tried carrying two kids and those two big plastic highchairs at the same time. Not easy. I recently got a HandySitt, it folds flat has a handle for carrying. Much easier and better looking.