Thursday, July 9, 2009

We're leaving on a jet plane.....

Well not exactly....

It's not really a jet plane & we won't be going anywhere in it for a while...just Daddy!

Michael bought a Beachcraft C23 Sundowner airplane last week. He is getting ready to start flying lessons & wanted to learn in his own plane. We have a family friend that has his pilot's license and he & Michael took the plane up tonight for the first time. The babies & I went to the airport before they took off to see the new plane. I had planned on staying to see them takeoff for the first time, but the babies were getting fussy & they wouldn't be taking off for a while, so I settled with a few pictures on the ground! Look at my handsome hubby! He is so excited about this flying be honest, it makes me nervous & it is going to take me a while to get used to it! I have been a nervous wreck tonight worrying about them, but he just called & they had just landed safely. Thank you Lord!!! I know this is something he really wants to do, so I am going to try & be as supportive as I can be!

 I love you baby & I am so proud of you!!!


Lea Liz said...

How exciting! I would be so nervous too!! How fun though!!

Anonymous said...

My husband has been a military pilot for the past 9 years, and he also has his PPL. Every time he flies, I still get nervous. I don't know why, but I do. He wants the kids and I to go flying with him, but I can't bring myself to go yet. It's funny because several of my family members and friends will fly with him, but I just can't bring myself to go yet, but maybe one day. Every time we go on a road trip, he always reminds me of how much quicker we could have gotten there if we were flying!


Liz Maza said...

Go Michael!!! Did you ever think he would own a plane? I am very happy for you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Wow - Good for him for living his dreams!! He has a PRIZE in you for supporting him...there are some things that have extra risks, like riding a motorcycle and flying a small plane that I don't think I could support my husband in ( if I had two small children )...there is probably not anymore risk in flying a small plane than driving on the freeway, I am sure it just is the thought of it...but are a Prize of a wife for putting your concerns and worries on the back burner to let him live his dreams!! You go girl!!

Erin said...

WOW WOW WOW that is amazing!! That plane looks nice! How many does it hold? How long tell you are up there with him!

The Campbells said...

Congrats!! You are stronger than I am, I would never let Clay do that. LOL. I freak when he's on a commercial plane. My anxiety level is too high for that. My mom has stopped telling me when they fly in their plane until they get where they are going. LOL. Have lots of fun with it!!