Thursday, July 30, 2009

Anyone hungry???

Recently, Michael has been questioning me about going to Target 2-3 times a week & wondering what I could be buying. Well, lets see...diapers, wipes, formula, baby food, etc...but most of the time it is because we are out of baby food. He asked why I didn't just buy enough food for a month. Everytime I am in there, the babies are with me & what I can buy is very limited because either the shopping cart is full of carseats (see here) or I have the stroller & there is only so much room on it! So I buy enough for a week or so. Tonight after the babies went to bed, I decided to run to Target & get a months worth of food. As I filled my shopping cart, I was amazed at the amount of food that C&H would eat in a month period. I guess buying a little here & a little there I didn't realize how much food we needed. This doesn't include all their vegetables for a month (I still have a bunch in the pantry!) This is fruits on the left, meats on the bottom right, & veges on the top right. I promised the cashier I didn't have a dozen kids at home...she just kind of smiled at me...I think she thought I was crazy!!! Now I am off to clean out my pantry to find room for all of this!!


Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Love your bog...the music makes me happy and the kiddos are adorable....

The Williams' said...

Wow! I just thought I bought a lot of baby food! Your kiddos are PRECIOUS! I'll bet you have your hands full!

Bamawhitney said...

I miss buying all those cute little jars and containers of baby food!

Lea Liz said...

wow that's a lot of food!!!! I just buy what I need when I go weekly too!!

Hayley said...

Girl...I feel your pain! B&B are eating us out of house and home too! I don't know if you feed your babies organic or not, but I feed mine Nature's Best and you can get it at Target also (they sometimes have them on sale for 60 something cents). Anyway, I recently discovered that you can by "flats" of this brand at Babies R Us/Toys R Us and the price is pretty reasonable. They have them in breakfast, fruits, veggies, and dinners...! Just thought I'd share this with you...I like the brand because they have such a variety to pick from!!!

the alder boys said...

Oh I remember doing the same thing and seeing all the crazy stares as I would fill my cart with millions of baby food containers and then the dreaded look on the poor lady who had to check me out!

Jill said...

LOL That is A LOT of food!!

Teresa Judkins said...

Hey Girl , check out Sam's, that's where I got the girls food and it was a little cheaper. It gets alot better when they start on solids.

J. Peterson said...

The other option is to make there baby food. It is cheaper, I think more heathly and lots of fun.

When my kiddos were small I used this Beaba Babycook from Williams -Sonoma, it worked fantastic! Alot of the time the kiddos ate what we ate for dinner. :)


It starts by steam cooking vegetables, fruits, meat and fish in less than 15 minutes, preserving their vitamins and flavors, then purees or blends them to your desired consistency. You can also use it to quickly reheat or defrost precooked foods.

Erin said...

Was it nice going in to target with out any children? Kind of weird huh!!

Let us know if that really lasts a month :)

Catherine said...

I made my kids was super easy really and I worked as a teacher so it had to be easy! I would steam veggies, etc. Then puree them in my food processer then scoop them into ice cube trays cover in alm foil and flash freeze (about 2 hours our so) then take them out and pack them in freezer bags labeled and dated...when it was time for them to get I would get out one or two cubes depending on how much they ate at the time and defost, heat a bit and food was ready!! I would look at the baby food alse to see what combinations gerber used like apple sweetpotatoes or something and then just take a cube of each. I used a baby food book as a reference for cooking some veggies. As they got older I would puree the food less an less so it was chunky...I added meat later is all about preference, what you what to do...but I am sure it is healthy because you know excatly what is in the food-no preservatives, etc. and it is a ton cheaper-of course prices have risen but I would figure how much a meal cost my way to see what I was saving and blueberries was my highest at like 20 cents a serving where say sweet pototaes was like 5 serioulsy...check it out.

Anonymous said...

I am from Australia and while a lot of people buy baby food, I was wondering why you do? I never did I loved to make them, it was fun,busy and rewarding knowing they got dod wholesome food, that is not criticizing just a thought...

Jennifer said...

I'm not for sure if you have a Sam's Club membership, but you can get 18 containers of stage 2 baby food for like $8. It's the Gerber plastic containers, just like you bought. The vegetables come in variety packs as well as fruit variety packs. I saw that this week while I was shopping. It's on the diaper asile.
That's a great picture though!:)

Rebekah said...

I am laughing so hard right now because Flint wants to know why I spend so much money at Target, too! They have no clue! And I only have one baby!