Sunday, July 19, 2009

Fun Getaway & Church Nursery!

I wanted to thank my Mom & Dad for giving Michael & I a night away. This past Friday night, we left for Tulsa as soon as Michael got home for work. We had dinner reservations that night at the Melting Pot and then we slept in Saturday was heaven! Once we got up, we went & did a little shopping and ate lunch at PF Changs before heading back to FS. We had such a fun time...great food, great sleep, & great shopping with my hubby!! We got some really cute clothes for C&H & got them new car seats (post to come)....I was telling Michael on the way home that it's kind of funny once you have kids, you never shop for yourself anymore! Or at least I don't!!! I didn't look for one thing for myself....all for the babies (like they don't have any clothes at all!!!) Thanks Nana & Daddo for a much needed break...I feel so refreshed & ready to go!!!

We got up this morning & went to church. The babies went to the nursery for the first time this morning. I decided to stay in there with them instead of going to the church service. They did great...Cooper actually took a good little nap & Hadley played the whole time! I snapped a few pictures while we were there! It wore me out....6 kiddos under 2 with two workers...& my two were the only immobile ones! I hope everyone had a great weekend!!


Elyse said...

YAHOO for a night away and C&H doing so well in the church nursery!

Verna said...

Every Mother/Father needs to have time away, together alone.

My husband and I just came home from watching 3 boys, (I work with their mother), Julie and her husband went to St.Louis yesterday and came back today. Their boys , my husband and I had a wonderful time. She too was refreshed when they came back today.

Glad you had some time away.
Have a great week.

Amanda said...

How nice!

I'm right there with you.. always shopping for the boys rather than myself. I'd rather them look cute first!! ;)